
Best Management Practices and Turfcare Recommendations

WILBERCO Five-Star Turfcare treatments are one part of a culture necessary for the ultimate grounds care program.  Mowing practice, irrigation schedule, usage, plus several other environmental factors all contribute to the health and vigor of your lawn. Here are some best management practices and recommendations for getting the most benefit from our Five-Star plan.


  • DON'T MOW TOO LOW – Residential lawns should be cut at 2.5 to 3 inches or about the width of a dollar bill. Cutting into the crown above the roots or scalping will cause acute stress promoting weeds and undesirable grass. After mowing too low the lawn will lack color and appear dull or hazy.
  • LONGER CUT – Naturally prevents undesirable grasses and other weeds from spreading. Helps to conceal small bare spots and divots often caused by aggressive mowing, pets, play activity, or minor damage. Mow less frequently during the hot summer months as growth slows down.
  • KEEP BLADES SHARP - Dull mower blades can wreak havoc on a lawn and will cause disease and pathogens to spread rapidly. Always blow off or bag excessive clippings and rake out clumps.

Watering & Irrigation

  • WATER THOROUGHLY NOT FREQUENTLY – Do not water to only wet the foliage, run irrigation enough to deeply soak and moisten the soil down into the root zone. Allow enough time between cycles for the lawn to begin to dry out a bit before running again.
  • ADJUST AS REQUIRED – Adjust the timing and coverage of sprinklers for seasonal variations, between areas of sun and shade, slopes and depressions, or other differences. Some areas will need less or more water than others. Irrigation zones, duration, intervals, and coverage should be set accordingly.
  • OVERWATERING- Persistently wet, damp areas are prone to fungus, algae growth, and weak shallow roots. Wet conditions are the primary cause for undesirable grass, sedge and disease.

Aerating & Seeding

  • DETHATCHING – Should be done annually with spring cleanup. Helps by removing excess thatch, lawn debris, moss, etc. Promotes moisture-oxygen exchange and healthy roots.
  • CORE AERATING – Recommended periodically to relieve soil compaction and density. Allows for better soil structure and root development. Helps water to deeply penetrate the root zone.
  • SEEDING & OVERSEEDING – New seed and seedlings must be kept moist continually for proper germination. Water frequently and do not allow seed to dry. DO NOT MOW newly seeded areas for at least 3 to 4 weeks. The best time for seeding is late summer / early fall. We do not recommend seeding before late summer.